Testimonial for Abrehet Francis

Abrehet is special. I had the fortune of meeting good folks across many cities i've once called "home" over 33 years. In time, I've grown pickier about who I trust. And when it comes to my most prized asset, my wife, I have a higher bar. A person earns my trust when (1) their words and actions match, (2) they see the world "half-cup-full", (3) they forgive easily, and (4) they invite authenticity through vulnerability. Tough to find I know; and it did take a minute. We intervewed half a dozen doulas in a month until we met "Abrehet" over Facetime. She was charming but what I liked most was that she didn't oversell, or laugh at my half-joking request to be the "Tony Robbins" of doulas during delivery. We sealed the deal. Low and behold come August 26th Priyanka's water broke, 3 weeks early. We meet Abrehet for the first time in the flesh at Swedish given my son's pre-maturity. How could I trust this women when I'm meeting her for the first time? Well, she did 4 things. First, she got to know us; opening up about herself, her own labor, her passion for helping colored women get a fair deal in the delivery room. Vulnerability criteria check. Second, after the nurses overwhelmed my wife with questions as we approached showtime, Abrehet's voice filled the room with quiet confidence. "Priyanka, you got this girl." Making Tony Robbins proud. Third, she described things she'd do, which honestly, I didn't expect her to follow through with. I would've forgiven her for not decorating our room with candles, making sure Priyanka's Spotify was set to the Drake track that'd get her through pushing, massaging her 27-hours straight, capturing key moments on my iPhone. Even in pain and being yelled at, Abrehet silently forgave. Last, she kept her word. She threw in 2 post-natal visits making up for the pre-natals we missed. Priyanka now latches like a pro. I'm honored my son entered the world in the presence of Abrehet. She's a good person. I trust her. You will to. 

-Mikesh Vora

October 08, 2021

a photo from Abrehet Francis

Birth Fee: $3000

Postpartum Rate: $65


Updated 12/2/2024

Birth Fee: $3000

Postpartum Rate: $65


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice