Testimonial for Annaig Pilpre

We were so lucky to have Anna as our Doula ! It was my first pregnancy, we were far away from any family member, and in the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak ... I was sooo stressed. And one day we have found Anna ... and everyday I bless this day.

She is AMAZING. She is genuine, has an incredible positive attitude, she is open and listening. As soon as you will meet her you will understand: she has a natural gift of emotionnaly "connecting" with people.

She helped us being both (yes: my husband and I) mentally and physically prepared for the whole giving-birth experience and she managed to relief me from any stress or anxiousness about it. She helped me becoming confident, listening to my fears and listening to my dreams, and preparing my birth plan accordingly. When my Labor started, I was calm and confident. I was applying her advices one by one, accepting each contraction with a positive mindset and "surfing" them one at a time, as she taught me to.

My labor ended up being a 20H experience and I ended up successfully delivering the baby by vaginal delivery. During the birth she has been in contact with my husband providing him with real-time advices and supporting us even so she was not allowed in the hospital with us due to COVID hospital policy at that time. I have NO doubt that we have managed to avoid the feared emergency C-section thanks to Anna's preparation and real-time provided advices. 

I cannot express enough how blessed I was to have Anna as our doula. THANK YOU ANNA !



October 05, 2021

a photo from Annaig Pilpre

Annaig Pilpre

Birth Simplicity Doula

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2600

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $65


Updated 5/8/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2600

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $65


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 5/8/2024

Years in practice