Testimonial for Vicki Bloom

After researching NYC doula options throughout my prenatal care, I found Vicki Bloom. We chatted over the phone and fortuitously for us, she was able to take us on as clients, though I like to believe our baby choose her for this experience. Our 2nd time around, my husband & I planned our birth outside of the hospital setting to feel honored and listened to in our birthing experience. It was no doubt reassuring to learn of Vicki’s extensive experience with birthing centers and midwives. She was a great presence and resource throughout our prenatal care with video and email check-ins, and shared a plethora of knowledge for our birthing plan and preferences. Once we went into labor, Vicki rushed to meet us birthing pool side and helped us explore a number of birthing positions at the birthing center. She quickly engaged in our care with the midwifery staff on duty and was instrumental throughout my contractions. Vicki helped to relieve my contractions with counter pressure to my tailbone, and showed my husband different support strategies as well. A short time later, we delivered a healthy, beautiful baby boy as effortlessly as humanly possible. This would not have been any more seamless without the knowledge, experience, and power of Vicki’s doula toolbox in physically and emotionally supporting us through the process. Vicki remained with us through the natural delivery of my placenta which took some time and our baby’s first latch and feed. She was able to memorialize the experience with photos and beautifully encapsulated my placenta. She met with us postpartum just days later to ensure that we were all doing well, including our little one’s latch and feed. We had a honored birthing experience welcoming our son into the world and could not have done it any more effortlessly without you. We are eternally grateful. Thank you for everything, Vicki!


September 11, 2021

a photo from Vicki Bloom

Vicki Bloom

Whole Self Doula

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $55


Updated 8/27/2024

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/27/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice