Testimonial for Deb Jimenez

Words cannot justify how thankful I was to have Deb by my side for my first child's delivery. I met Deb at 30 weeks pregnant when I was changing providers and delivery location. She helped me feel confident the first day I spoke with her about my change in location and even more importantly, helped me feel confident that I COULD have the birth that I wanted. 

As all birth stories go, I wasn't anticipating the direction my labor ended up going. Deb helped me through 14 hours of straight back labor and never missed walking me through a single contraction. Seriously - Not. One. Missed. Contraction! Through every stage of labor she was right there to help guide me to make an informed decision that was best for me and my baby. Deb had not worked with my midwife before (who is known for being a little intense of a woman...) yet they made the most supportive and encouraging team. In fact, my midwife even told me that Deb was one of the best doula's she's ever worked with! Everytime my midwife suggested a course of action, I could look to Deb as a sounding board to tell me "you can do this" and what I could expect. 

While my husband was incredibly supportive and never left my side, Deb added a comfort we didn't know I was going to need. Without her I more than likely would have been transfered to the hospital from fear but Deb's calm and encouraing personality helped me find the inner strength I didn't know I had.

Both my husband and I were so thankful for her work before, during and after delivery. She follows Evidence Based Birth practices and has a no-judgemental approach to helping you with your ideal birth plan. No matter what, I will 110% have Deb by my side for my next child's birth. <3 We love her!

-Haley Aguiar

August 29, 2021

a photo from Deb Jimenez

Deb Jimenez

Doula Deb: Birth, Postpartum & Sleep Doula

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $65 to $75


Updated 6/20/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $65 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/20/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice