I recently had my second baby and wanted a different experience than my first delivery. I knew that going unmedicated would need to be a full commitment if it were going to be successful and it took me until about 30 weeks to get there. I wanted to earn my "bad ass" patch (self-awarded), to give my baby the best chance to latch (after exclusively pumping for a year with my first), to minimize my postpartum mental and physical issues.
I knew Jackie's stories so I contacted her. From the very beginning, she saw me as courageous and strong and made it clear that I was these things no matter how my birth ended. She helped me map out my birth plan but boy was I tested. At 34 weeks, I lost my mucus plug, found that I was 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced and the biggest blow.. he was sitting breech. I texted Jackie through tears then drove home. About an hour later, I was having BH contractions every 2 mins. I totally disengaged from the world and just cried, fearing I was going into labor. With Jackie living down the street and me ignoring her texts, she showed up at my house to pick me up and try to flip this baby. We didn't go into labor that night.
At 38 weeks, I was 4 cm, 60% effaced with a perfectly- sitting babe. My doc asked to induce concerned of a fast delivery so we did at 39 weeks. And it moved fast. Jackie got there shortly after we notified her and I was already at 6cm and 90% effaced and needing relief. Jackie immediately applied counterpressure, a hot compress and gave me water (knowing every detail of how to support me. The straw was extra long so I didn't need to move). Focusing on my breathing, I could hear Jackie relentlessly saying "Good job, mama. You are doing amazing. You are so controlled. You are almost there." After 1 hr and 16 mins, Jackie was advocating my postpartum plan while I recovered.
Jackie helped me find my strength, courage and trust in myself for one of the greatest days of my life. I will forever be grateful.
August 25, 2021
Balance in Birth
Birth Fee: $1800