When I decided to hire a doula for the birth of my second child, I began by "interviewing" several doulas. Hannah was the first one I talked to and as soon as I got off the phone with her, I knew she was the one. We instantly connected and I loved how her birth story was so similar to that of my first born. Hannah understood prodromal labor.
My birth plan was to labor at home before transferring to the hospital to continue an unmedicated, natural child birth.
I was so hopeful that my second wouldn't be like my first but it was in fact, worse. I felt like I was in prodromal labor for not just days, but weeks leading up to the birth and Hannah was there for me every time I needed her. Several times, she helped calm me down and prevented what would have been a wasteful trip to the hospital. Hannah endured enumerable texts and phone calls and gave me positive advice on how to deal with prodromal labor.
When I was 8 days passed my due date (highly anxious!) and had to be induced, Hannah was there for me. With her loving support, she helped me labor unmedicated for nearly 40 hours and helped guide me to make informed medical decisions regarding my labor induction and augmentation (I ended up having to have several interventions progressing from Cervidil induction to waters artificially broken to pitocin and ultimately a caesarean when I failed to progress past 4cm over a 24 hour period).
Hannah's presence, guidance, and support at my labor and birth was immeasurable. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her and am positive that my birth experience would have been viewed in a negative light instead of a positive one. It was a really emotional challenging time and every part of my original birth plan changed but Hannah made the whole experience a calm and collected one.
I can't thank you enough Hannah for the support you gave me. It truly was a treasure to have you there.
-Katy Christie
August 12, 2021
Heart & Hands Doula
Birth Fee: $1200