Testimonial for Allison Petrides, CLD/CPD

I say this without a shred of over-exaggeration: I would not have been able to get through my pregnancy without Allison by my side. 

I had so much anxiety about pregnancy and worried about every little thing I did, ate, etc. Allison was always there (and I mean ALWAYS there) for me to vent my concerns, and she responded with love, empathy, and true compassion. She helped put things into perspective, gave me amazing advice and guidance, and celebrated every milestone. She was incredibly generous with her time, and I was so grateful for every bit of it. She always checked on me and made me feel like I was a real priority for her, not just a job. I mattered. And that mattered so much to me.

When we started discussing my birth wish list, she made sure I had realistic expectations and helped me to mentally and emotionally prepare for the biggest event of my life.

When the big day arrived, she was right there--starting with her instantaneous response to my "I think my water might've just broken" text at 1am. She went above and beyond during my labor. When the time came for her to join us at the hospital, she jumped right into action, doing everything she could to help me through each contraction. When we were waiting hours for me to dilate, she didn't think twice about staying during all that time. She advocated for me when nurses weren't listening to what I was saying I needed or when I was uncomfortable with something.

I didn't just find a gem of a doula in Allison. I found a friend. She made every bit of difference in how I went through my pregnancy, and it is in large part because of her that I have the most positive outlook on how my labor and delivery ended up going. 

I could never thank Allison enough for everything she did for me. If you have the privilege of choosing her as your doula, you will be so beyond thankful you did.

-Alyson Koblick

August 11, 2021

a photo from Allison Petrides, CLD/CPD

Allison Petrides, CLD/CPD

Gentle Beginnings Doula Services LLC

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice