I met Jackie at the birthing class she offered at Frisco Birth Center (highly recommend, btw), and immediately found her presence to be so calming, and remember thinking, “if I could afford a doula she’s the type of person I’d want in my birthing space”. She was so knowledgeable and truly believes every mom has the power within to birth their babies. She did such a great job of delivering all the information necessary to make informed decisions for your birth and your baby. She covered every topic, and allowed so much discussion to happen so everyone felt heard and all of our questions were answered.
From the second I asked Jackie to be a part of my birth, she was all hands on deck. On board. By my side. She came to doctors appointments with me and took notes for me so I could focus on my transfer of care. She never even flinched when my plans changed 100 times and covered each one in intimate detail. She rolled with every punch and cheered me on with every change.
Fast forward to my birth. Jackie showed up about an hour after my water broke. I was just barely starting to breathe through my contractions. Without missing a beat, she stepped in, did massage and counter pressure without ever having to ask what I needed. She never stopped or took a break. My sons heart beat was dipping into the 50-60’s and she stayed so calm, and helped me to remain calm. Even when I was moved to the bed Jackie never left my side. She went above and beyond, anticipating my needs before I ever had to ask. Cold towels, water, holding me, reminding me to breathe. She was there.
If I ever get pregnant again, the first thing I’ll do is call Jackie and hire her again.
Thank you so much, Jackie, for everything you did for me and my boy tribe. We are so blessed to have you as a part of our story. I’m convinced my story would not have turned out nearly as peaceful without your presence.
-Shelby Trudeau
July 14, 2021
Balance in Birth
Birth Fee: $1800