Testimonial for Amber Matteson

Working with Amber was the best decision my husband & I made for my pregnancy and labor & delivery.

We had 3 prenatal visits where we reviewed what to expect when in the different phases of labor & different comfort measures we could use during labor to reduce my discomfort. During those prenatal sessions we created & revised a birth plan that my husband and I were comfortable with. She was supportive of all my preferences & decisions around what I wanted my labor & delivery to look like.

The morning I went into labor I was convinced I was just having more practice contractions, but I reached out to Amber just in case. A couple hours later Amber was at my door, she hung out with my husband & I for three or four hours before leaving for the hospital. Once in the hospital Amber helped advocate for my decisions. She reiterated that I wanted a non-medicated labor answered delivery. She helped me manage my pain by keeping water on my back in the shower, applying counter pressure on my back/hips during contractions, & recommending different positions to labor in. After our baby was born, Amber cam up to the maternity ward with us to help us settle in despite being with us for over 12 hours and it being 3am!

The evening after I got home from the hospital with the baby I was worried that he wasn't eating enough. I called Amber in tears explaining what was going on, she helped calm me down & gave me some suggestions on what we could do. Her support in that moment helped me become a more confident parent. 

Our package included 2 postpartum sessions where Amber came to our home & answered many questions about caring for a newborn & offered many postpartum/newborn care resources.  Also her padsicles are what got me through my recovery, they're life (and vag) saving!

Amber is a supportive, knowledgeable, & warm doula and I would recommend her to everyone!

-Nicole Maggiore

July 10, 2021

a photo from Amber Matteson

Amber Matteson

Intimate Connections Doula & Perinatal Services

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice