Testimonial for Exie Buehler, CBD (CBI), CPD (CBI), Dip CBEd (CBI)

I hired Exie during my first tri-mester and immediately began prenatal massage therapy. At my first ultrasound I learned I was expecting twins. The next week at my next mid-wife visit I were informed that it was very uncommon to have a natural twin birth. I was confused and scared as I were labled high risk and shuffled within the office to an OB only to learn that I would need to find a new practice to fit our hopes of a natural birth. Exie researched practices, made phone calls to mid-wifery services and continually calmed my nerves. Within a week we found a new practice that agreed to honor my wishes of a natual birth. I was induced into labor 4 weeks earlier than my due date due to medical complications. That same morning, another of Exie's clients went into labor several weeks late. Exie quickly sent over her partner to care for me until she could arrive at the hospital. Exie showed no signs of fatigue when she arrived by my side. Exie found many ways to relieve my discomfort as I labored within the confines of my hospital bed. She kept my husband and I focused, and encouraged throughout the entire labor process.  Some medical interventions were required, but with Exie's help, calming touch, reassuring voice and overall knowledge we were able to make quick and informed decisions that allowed me to deliver both of my girls naturally. Exie stayed by our sides while I recovered until she knew that we were all okay.  She kept in contact via phone and personal visits within the days and weeks after the birth of my daughters.  I still see Exie for massage therapy and will definitely hire her in my next pregnancy. 

-Erin Favor

December 02, 2009

a photo from Exie Buehler, CBD (CBI), CPD (CBI), Dip CBEd (CBI)

Exie Buehler, CBD (CBI), CPD (CBI), Dip CBEd (CBI)

Tranquil Touch Birth & Women's Wellness

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $75 to $100


Updated 8/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $75 to $100


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice