Testimonial for Vonda Kunz

Baby Rayne Part 2
On January 20th we were scheduled to visit my hometown of Salt Lake City for a baby shower my family had planned for me and baby that weekend. Vonda had decided to go with us to visit some family of hers. A few days prior to leaving I had been experiencing some mild cramping and decided to see my midwife to get the ok to go out of town. I was checked and everything looked great, so we headed to Salt Lake City. On Saturday morning I was getting ready for the baby shower and my water broke. I was shocked!!! Frantically I called Vonda, who was already on her way to the baby shower, and asked what I should do. She calmly told me to contact my midwife and ask for instructions on what she would like us to do. My midwife instructed us to proceed to the hospital in Salt Lake. My husband and I had nothing for the birth with us. Everything we had planned and prepared with was back in Colorado, including our birth plan. We were shocked and scared. Despite our crazy emotions, Vonda remained totally calm. She walked us through everything and helped us prepare for the work ahead of us. Because of the sensitivity of a premature birth, the hospital staff was not exactly thrilled with my birth plan. They immediately wanted to induce my labor and give me every drug possible, as well as a C-section. Vonda stood by us through this challenging experience. She fought right along with us to keep as many of our wishes possible and bring our baby into this world healthy. The next thirty-six hours were some of the hardest of my life. Vonda was there right by my side coaching me through the challenges of the birth experience. She used all kinds of natural techniques to induce labor and to lessen the pain of childbirth. Our beautiful baby girl was born naturally and totally healthy and happy. Having Vonda as my Doula was wonderful and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

-Marnie Macey

October 13, 2012

a photo from Vonda Kunz

Vonda Kunz

Meager Beginnings Services

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/23/2024

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/23/2024

Years in practice