Testimonial for Ryah Jo (she/her) Silver CD (PALS) CBE, OMP trained

My husband and I had Ryah as our birth doula, and it was one of the best decisions we made for us and our son for his birth. I had a very smooth pregnancy, but as first time parents, we felt like it would be wise to have an expert in the room for our birth, in the event we need to make decisions about our delivery. That became true for us the day our son was born. Ryah checked in on us via zoom/text as we approached my induction date, and came to our home to teach me some coping methods I could use to help me labor at home. We made a game plan for how I envisioned my labor, and at each step, she gave me examples and options so I knew what to expect. On the day I went into labor, Ryah checked in with my husband for updates, and sent helpful tips while I went through the early stages of labor. Once we arrived at the hospital, my son threw us through a few loops, and we struggled to keep his heart rate monitored and needed to reposition his head and Ryah came to the rescue. She coached me through multiple movements, providing my husband and I the tools we needed to get baby back in a comfortable position and getting us ready to push. Unfortunately like my birth plan, my son had different plans for us, and after failing to progress, my OB felt it would be safest for the baby to have a c-section. Ryah brought a calming and reassuring energy to the room as we approached our scheduled c-section and we asked for her to be in the OR to help support us emotionally there as well and she happily obliged. Her encouragement, genuine care and support for us throughout the entire process affirmed why we chose to work with her. Our birth plan, although not the one we planned for, was perfect, and a major part of that was Ryah and her support throughout the process. As we heal and recover through our c-section, we've decided to bring Ryah on for continued support as our postpartum doula and will 100% be working with her in the future as we continue to grow our family. 

-Nicole Ambion

May 23, 2021

a photo from Ryah Jo (she/her) Silver CD (PALS) CBE, OMP trained

Ryah Jo (she/her) Silver CD (PALS) CBE, OMP trained

Ryah Jo' pregnancy birth and beyond doula services

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice