Testimonial for Amanda Hoyle, CD(DONA), CLC, CBE

We had such a great experience with Amanda and I would definitely recommend her to other pregnant women / couples looking for a sense of calm and a wealth of knowlege during their birth experience. She is kind, experienced and super helpful! We started looking for a Doula quite late, but Amanda was never pushy or rushed us. We ended up signing the contract on a Sunday (when I was 36 weeks) and my water broke just a few hours later. We immediately got in touch with Amanda and let her know what was happening. She was very calm and just asked what our plan was and she met us soon thereafter at the hospital entrance. Our baby was born just 6 hours later (about 12 hours after signing the contract with Amanda). Even though I didn't get to spend much time chatting with Amanda about my birthing experience priorities, she was able to key into me right away and was the perfect extra layer of support for the whole process. Also, since we didn't get the prenatal education sessions prior to having our baby, Amanda offered to come to our home after the baby was born and basically baby sit for 4 hours while I went out and got some things done. It was super helpful and I felt good knowing our newborn baby was in good hands during that time. I felt extremely comfortable having Amanda at the birth of my child and honestly can't imaging it happening any other way! My husband also really appreciated having Amanda there, as he could then take cues from her and be the ultimate support I needed! What a relief for us both!! Thank you, Amanda!

-Alicia Wiygul

May 20, 2021

a photo from Amanda Hoyle, CD(DONA), CLC, CBE

Birth Fee: $2200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 8/31/2024

Birth Fee: $2200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/31/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice