Testimonial for Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

Lydia was absolutely God sent to us! I came across her Facebook page after moving back home to KCMO back in October 2020 and was so glad I did! I was able to learn so much about pregnancy, labor, delivery, and breastfeeding through the many resources she provided me with(this was before we even booked her). After learning so much and realizing how much more there is to learn about the process, we decided to hire her. I was able to have access to a wealth of knowledge at any point during my process. Lydia made sure both my husband and I were educated and ready for the journey we were about to embark on. I felt so confident going into the process and was able to labor at home until I was 9cm dilated and pushed my baby girl out in 19mins! You would think after baby was born Lydia's job would be done, but no! She was only getting started. I felt so safe and cared for after delivery and she was right by my side to help get baby latched on within the first hour of her being born. I truly do not know if my breastfeeding journey would be what it is now if it were not for her support. She checked on the 3 of us constantly during the first 4 weeks of the postpartum journey and helped me get over a few mental blocks during that time. Several different times my husband stated how much he appreciated having Lydia by our side during our delivery and that he could not imagine doing this without her! You can see the passion she has for helping black families get the education and services they need during their pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum. She is without a doubt one of the best in the game! You will not find too many doulas with the level of knowledge she has. As a nurse, lactation consultant, doula, evidence based birth instructor, and friend, she is someone to have on your team! It also doesn't hurt that she has the best prices out there either. Thank you so much Lydia for everything you have done for us over these last months! We are lucky to have you!

-Kothney-Issa Bush

May 19, 2021

a photo from Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/26/2024

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice