Testimonial for Katie White

My experience with Katie was fantastic! She is truly a special person and a wonderfully gifted doula. My husband and I met Katie (via FaceTime) about half-way through my pregnancy with our first child. After interviewing 3 other doulas before Katie, we knew she was the perfect fit for us after just a few minutes into our call. Her calming, caring and comforting demeaner are quickly apparent.

Katie was available throughout my pregnancy for questions and advice and checked-in after each Dr. appointment. She was also very supportive and helped ease my concerns about switching care providers at 22 weeks (providing midwife/OB recommendations and ultimately encouraged me to listen to my gut). Katie met with my husband I twice before delivery, each visit getting us more prepared and confident for labor and post-partum. As my due date approached and passed, Katie provided exercises, maneuvers and techniques to help with beginning labor to avoid an induction, which I very much wanted to avoid.

While my plan was to have an unmedicated birth and to begin labor at home before going to the hospital, our son had different plans! Katie talked me through my uncertainties and ultimately helped me come to terms with a scheduled induction at 42 weeks. Katie arrived at the hospital and we immediately felt a sense of calm and comfort even amidst incredibly intense contractions with little time between. Katie explained what was happening at each phase and supported myself and my husband during the next 12 hours until our son was born. Katie took lots of pictures capturing so many emotions during the delivery. Katie also wrote up our son’s beautiful birth story with all the details, many of which I had forgotten and was unaware of, which I’ll cherish forever! We feel so blessed to have found Katie and had her support during our son’s birth. We can’t imagine going through this process without her!




-Natalie McGinnis

May 18, 2021

a photo from Katie White

Katie White

Denver Born Doulas

Birth Fee: $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice