Testimonial for Alexandra Blanchard, CD, CBC

Allie was crucial in our labor and delivery process! I found that there is so little information that is provided by doctors and hospitals around the birth process. And often when you're in a hospital setting, we're trained to listen to what the doctor recommends.

Allie provided a completely different paradigm for our labor and delivery:

1. She educated about what was coming, how to prepare and techniques and tricks to make it manageable.

2. She was available via text, phone and in person to provide support and answer all our questions, no matter the time or day. Sometimes we felt bad texting her on weekends or late at night when we were worried, but she always provided a prompt response that alleviated anxiety and provided support and help.

3. At the hospital, she provided a huge support by not only translating their recommendations, but also informing us of other options so we were never left cornered in our decision making.

4. She was NEVER judgey about what we wanted in the birth process and provided support for all our decisions.

Allie provides more than just care and support for the new mom. She also provides an incredible lift for the dads. I can tell you that I was terrified about what my wife was going to go through. Her expertise put me at ease and she walked me through everything in advance . And then, during the labor process, she let me know that "this was normal" or "here's what to expect". I can't say enough about this. This is one of those events in life where we feel pretty useless and helpless as partners. But Allie put me at ease so that I could be helpful to my wife and actualy enjoy the process somewhat.

And now, post partum, she's providing us help with lactation, growth spurts, sleeping issues, Solly wraps, nutrition info, and so much more. She brings helpful warming broths, tasty treats and just makes us feel awesome.

I never thought we'd use a doula. But... mind blown.

-Moki Goyal

April 27, 2021

a photo from Alexandra  Blanchard, CD, CBC

Birth Fee: $2400 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $65


Updated 9/5/2024

Birth Fee: $2400 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $65


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice