Testimonial for Odessa Bates, MA, CD, CPD, CPES

I'm three weeks postpartum and finally had a chance to reflect on my birth and the amazing support that Odessa provided throughout my pregnancy, labor and postpartum. My first child was born through an unplanned cesarean so I knew for my second that I wanted the support of a doula to attempt a VBAC. 

Odessa provided so much support and reassurance that I went into my labor feeling very confident about my decisions as well as how to navigate a birth during Covid. We discussed at length my first birth and my wishes for my second. She provided many evidence-based resources so that I was able to make informed decisions. Odessa was readily available with any questions I had throughout my pregnancy. I felt very prepared for whatever situation I would come across during labor and delivery. 

During labor Odessa was a great support to both myself and my husband. She helped with positioning, using a peanut ball and even small things like reminding us to eat and drink! When it came time to push her guidance was extremely helpful. My birth ended up being a repeat cesarean n and while it was not the outcome, I had hoped for I feel it was a positive experience because of Odessa! I felt confident and educated to make tough decisions when the time came. She helped empower me to advocate for myself and my baby during my experience and I went into my surgery knowing that I had done everything I could have to bring my baby into this world. Odessa was there waiting to check on us all after my surgery.

Odessa’s support continued postpartum and covered many aspects such as my physical healing, mental health, relationship, etc. She provided many great resources and advice that have me feeling prepared for the 4th trimester. I’m so grateful for Odessa’s support during my pregnancy, labor and postpartum experiences! I would highly recommend her services for all types of births!



April 26, 2021

a photo from Odessa Bates, MA, CD, CPD, CPES

Odessa Bates, MA, CD, CPD, CPES

Doula Odessa & Birth Services

Birth Fee: $0 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $40


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $0 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice