Testimonial for Melissa F. Haley (they/she)

My doula experience with Haley was like the guiding light I didn't even know I neeed. I think it's important for me to name my identity as a Black, cisgender female because I had insecurities related to my care as Black mother. Haley was able to help me navigate the birth experience as a Black woman with care and love. Often, I would share dismissive moments that I experienced with my medial providers, and Haley would walk me through how to advocate for myself. I do believe my medical providers were well intentioned but sometimes lacked the historical context of why I would find certain conversations offensive, though those conversations were necessary, standard medical practices (i.e., discussing birth control before discussing my birth plan at 36 weeks). However, Haley would provide me with additional rationale (i.e., you are very fertile after pregnany!) and still encourage me to share my persepective with my doctor. And I did and it was such a healing conversation which helped me trust my doctirs more.

In additional to Haley's nurturing nature, she was extremely informative and relatable. We vibed during every virtual session. Each session followed promptly with a wealth of resources that helped me understand my body and the birthing process. And the bonus, she brought in my partner! He was happy to understand his role and how he could help me during the actual birth. He was so involved during thr birth and I know that was a direct result of her inclusion!

All of these moment led to my son, Kamel (kah-male) who was born 12/24. With Haley's help, I embraced the challenges of COIVD-19 and leaned into the resources she shared. While I never shared this with Haley, her work has inspired me to find ways in which I can serve as an advocate for woman's reproductive rights. If you are looking for someone who appraoches birth holistically and adds personal touches to the experience, look no further than Haley. So much love and light to you!

-Kierra Bussey

March 20, 2021

a photo from Melissa F. Haley (they/she)

Melissa F. Haley (they/she)

M.Ed., CD, CBE @wyld_garden

Birth Fee: $1450 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1450 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice