Testimonial for Sheri Gorman

Sheri was a wonderful doula for our family! In the early days of covid, where everyone was unsure of what birth would look like we were able to plan for several different scenarios for hospital covid restrictions and action plans for go time. She was flexible and though we lived close to each other the hospital was far. We met a few times virtually and in person before I went into labor. During my 3 days of labor and 3 tirage visits before I was admitted, Sheri was instrumental in my laboring at home and making sure that my birth plan was being followed once I was admitted. 

It was important to me to have someone who could help make sure that our birth plan was being followed and supporting both my partner and I during all of labor. I wanted my partner to feel like he could be present and not have to worry about running around or micromanaging. Sheri was able to make that happen while helping support my labor process. This was particularly helpful when my partner or I needed to get what little sleep we could.  I was able to trust Sheri, she made sure that I was being heard by the staff and helping me advocated for myself.

Postpartum, Sheri was a great resource and continued support. Having a baby and becoming a “pandemic-parent” on top of a first-time parent was scarry, Sheri checked in and continued to be supportive in my mom journey. We have no family in state, so Sheri really filled that gap for us. I am an awkward person and would usually not want an audience for something like giving birth, but Sheri made me feel comfortable. I am endlessly thankful for her role in completing our family and by helping me bring my baby girl earth side.



February 25, 2021

a photo from Sheri Gorman

Sheri Gorman

Birth and Postpartum Services

Birth Fee: $1800

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $65


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1800

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $65


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Years in practice