Testimonial for Stumptown Doulas

Hannah was my doula for my very first birth back in 2014.  I was the last of her training births while she was still a student and I will never stop being thankful that I had her with me during my experience! She was so kind and warm. She answered all my 10,000 questions without ever making me feel silly for asking. During my labor, she was able to help me do deep lunges to get back to turn out of back labor. I was beyond thirsty during labor and my husband pretty much just kept running out into the hall to get me more water and it was so wonderful to have Hannah by my side the entire time. We had spent lots of time going through my wishes for the birth and I knew that she would advocate for me should I be unable to- that was such a comfort. My baby's head came out, but her shoulders got stuck (shoulder dystocia)- the midwives made me get out of the birthing tub and up on a table and were counting how long it had been and reaching inside of me to turn the baby...it was all so scary and something that I had not read about or had any knowledge about. It was SO comforting having Hannah there to explain what exactly was going on and reassure me that everything was ok. She was the calm during all the chaos! After baby was born, the doctors rushed her off and she didn't breathe right away. Again, my husband went off with the baby and I was so thankful to have Hannah there just for me! As I cried, she prayed with me and I will never forget the way she was able to keep me calm and present during such a stressful time. She visited after we were home and was able to recount some of the birth that I wasn't clear on.  I would highly highly recommend Hannah and her work! This was my only experience with her and this was 6+ years ago, so I am sure she is even more of a treasure to work with now! 

-Natalie Gonzalez

January 03, 2021

a photo from Stumptown Doulas

Birth Fee: $800 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $60


Updated 8/30/2024

Birth Fee: $800 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/30/2024

Certified doulas
Certified doulas