I cannot picture the birth of my first child without Cady present. Having her there was like having a sister in the room, but one that knew exactly what I needed! I had a long and difficult labor - I was induced unexpectedly and categorized as high risk (diagnosed with preeclampsia) and Cady was there for me and my husband through all of the peaks and valleys of my long and unexpected birth story. I was hooked up to IVs and she helped reposition me every 30 minutes so I wasn’t lying flat on my back. I honestly think that was what helped move the baby down more quickly! She was there for me emotionally during labor as it stalled, and helped motivate me when things picked up. She helped coach me through pushing and asked the nurses and OB to honor some of my dearest wishes, like having my husband announce the gender of our baby. She also reminded my husband to ask for local anesthetic when I was receiving stitches. I honestly don’t know what we would have done without her! I will forever remember her being a vital role in bringing my healthy, beautiful baby boy into this world. Thank you so much Cady, you’re an angel!
-Becca Zammito
December 29, 2020
Working in partnership with Hannah Gray
Birth Fee: $1800 to $4000
Postpartum Rate: $45 to $70