Testimonial for Saltwater Doulas

Ashley was a godsend during my labor. I was not someone who originally considered having a doula, however, it was the best decision I ever made! My husband and I originally wanted to keep the birth experience between us, and I assumed I would want an epidural and wasn't sure I would need a doula because of that. Thankfully, as my pregnancy progressed, we realized that having someone like Ashley present could dramatically improve the birth experience (which it did)!

Ashley was amazing from the moment we met! She helped us prepare and imagine what my ideal birth might look like, which was honestly not something I had not spent much time considering. I felt so much more prepared from our conversations compared to how I felt after the online birth classes.

When I was experiencing prodromal labor for days, she was a constant supportive presence, and when my water broke unexpectedly in the night she jumped into action. My labor progressed quite quickly and having her there to support and guide me was the most amazing gift. My husband and I still felt like it was an intimate experience, but what was more, Ashley gave me the confidence and natural pain management to give birth without drugs.

We have also utilized her postpartum services which have been wonderful for a first time mom like me. My recovery was slow and my husband had to return to work soon after the birth of our son, so having her help seriously kept me sane.

If you are thinking of having a doula, no matter what kind of birth you are planning, I HIGHLY recommend her! 


December 23, 2020

a photo from Saltwater Doulas

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $50


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Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified doulas