Hannah Norton is an excellent choice for a doula. She ministered to myself and my husband during all four of my full- term pregnancies and was present at 3 of the four births. The last guy decided to make his appearance so fast, she couldn't make it in time. Her understanding of the medical side of labor and delivery as a nurse, her personal experience and research of the natural side of birthing and her calm, reassuring spirit weave together to create a birthing partner fully on your side and ready to serve the expectant mom and her partner. I truly value her insight, reminders and company during labor and delivery so much that her words were playing in my head, even when she couldn't be there. Between birth experiences, she brainstormed with me about what worked and what I could have done differently to help me feel more at ease, or for the process to go more smoothly. And when the kinks arise in your plan, her calm, reassuring manner definitely helps as you work with her to adjust the plan to fit the new circumstances. I highly recommend Hannah as a doula for anyone wanting an extra set of hands, eyes, or needing an advocate during your birthing process.
-Sarah Bauer
December 11, 2020
Great Expectations Childbirth and Doula Services
Birth Fee: $600 to $1600