Testimonial for Victoria Calleja

Victoria was our childbirth educator. Since this was during COVID, we had virtual classes. From the very first class, we were impressed by her. The amount of knowledge she has is remarkable. I mean she really knows a lot. We were so impressed by her. I knew I wanted to hire Victoria to be my doula. She was amazing for both my pregnancy and delivery. She offered unlimited contact and support. I even remember calling her after I tested positive for group b strep. I was so freaked out and felt horrible. A quick phone call, and she knew exactly how to calm me down in just a few minutes. She even came with me to one of my late term appointments. At 41+6 weeks, when I finally went into labor, she was there every step of the way. I honestly don't know how I could have gotten through it without her. I had a very long 47 hour labor. We had multiple trips to and from home and the birth center, until we finally transferred to the hospital.  Victoria knew what to do every step of the way. She knew my birth plan, and helped me stick to it as best as I could. When we needed a change, she gave me the courage to make an informed decision. She helped me use my voice at the hospital. Victoria knew when to hold my hand, when to rub my back, when to be encouraging. Even though my husband was there the entire time, she was able to help me in a way he couldn't. She was incredible. I am forever grateful to her for her loving support and knowledge about all things birth. She also encapsulated my placenta. The pills have really helped me during this postpartum period. When we are ready to have another baby, I will without question, absolutely hire her again. One million percent. She is amazing and I feel like we really got lucky to have her. She can anticipate your needs before you know them. She is so professional as well; very courteous.I felt like she even helped my husband get through the long labor. We just love Victoria, and so will you. 



-Tiffane Stakich

December 09, 2020

a photo from Victoria Calleja

Victoria Calleja

All Things Birth LLC

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1300

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Updated 8/28/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1300

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/28/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice