Testimonial for Priscilla Brickey & Jennifer Anderson LM, CPM, LMT, CBS, CD(DONA)

We are incredible happy that we had hired Kristina and Priscilla to be our doulas. From the start it really took a lot of pressure off of my husband- who was being deployed. It help ease both of us to know that I would have support.  

This was our first pregnancy and it progressed faster than I thought. I called Kristina when the contractions started around 10pm. She came to my house around 5:30am and was able to check my cervix (7cm dilated). She was able to help me with contractions in the backseat of the car during the 45min drive to the hospital. (It was the longest car ride of my life! Without her it would have been unbearable!! I was 9cm dilated when we arrived to the hospital). We  finally went to labor and delivery our nurse was a little on the negative side, but Kristina really helped keep the energy positive and supportive!! With her help I was able to give birth naturally with no epidural (which before I didn't know if I would have the pain tolerance to do). But where I would say Kristina was absolutely brilliant on was the pushing! We were almost 2 hours in of pushing and had tried so many different positions my doctor had suggested that I was exhausted.. When Kristina suggested a tug-a-war technique! This is what really helped me get my little guy out!! Hands down this is what I feel like really got me through! Afterwards Kristina helped with breastfeeding and had far more tips and techniques then the lactation consultant that came by later that day! (So much so that the lactation consultant thought this was my 2nd or 3rd child!). I am extremely happy that we had Kristina and Priscilla on our team. They both were so supportive during and after the birth! Priscilla was very sweet and her massages were fantastic pre and postpartum! 



-Jaycie Knott

November 20, 2020

a photo from Priscilla Brickey & Jennifer Anderson   LM, CPM, LMT, CBS, CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $1600 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Updated 6/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/3/2024

Years in practice