Testimonial for Tonya Schieler, CBD, CPD, HCHD

Halfway through my pregnancy with my first I decided I needed a doula. Covid had recently become a concern and I wasn’t feeling super comfortable with my OB group. Between concerns at the hospital and making sure my preferences were actually heard, I felt having someone as an advocate for me and to support my husband (especially since this was our first go-round) would help alleviate some of the stress. I found Tonya on the DoulaMatch site and reached out to her. We set up a time for a call (usually she does in person interviews, but Covid…), and immediately I knew I wanted her at my birth. I ended up leaving my OB and switching to midwives, referred by Tonya. Also exactly what I was looking for. Throughout my pregnancy, Tonya would check in to see how I was doing. We had a few in person meetings closer to my birth date to review my plan more, and to practice Hypnobabies techniques. The days leading up to my due date and after (I went until 41+6) Tonya was readily available for support and any questions I had. Unfortunately, I ended up having to have a C-section due to severely low fluid and babe turning breech a few days prior; but Tonya was still able to accompany us to the hospital. She waited while I was operated on even though they wouldn’t let her in the OR, or the Post-Op room. When I was able to return home Tonya did a follow up and we spent time talking about my birth experience, how I felt about it all, and how things were going with my son. Although things went vastly different for me than I would have expected or hoped, I couldn’t imagine not having Tonya be a part of it. That added support was priceless to me, and I am so thankful to her for that. 

Tonya is super kind, caring and supportive of whatever your wishes are. She is knowledgeable, but nonjudgmental or pushy.  I highly recommend hiring Tonya as a doula; and I plan to do so myself again for future pregnancies!

-Lauren E.

November 10, 2020

a photo from Tonya Schieler, CBD, CPD, HCHD

Tonya Schieler, CBD, CPD, HCHD

Dawn Doula Services LLC

Birth Fee: $1400 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $40


Updated 8/1/2024

Birth Fee: $1400 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/1/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice