Testimonial for Jennifer Symes

I can't imagine my birth story without Jennifer.  Her soothing tone, confidence and joy in her work was everything I was looking for to feel fully supported and in good hands as a first time mom during a pandemic. She was curious about me and my husband and her individualized care was outstanding.

Pre-birth meetings were so helpful and allowed us to be vulnerable with our questions and empowered with our choices. In April of 2020 - The pandemic was new and scary and Jennifer gave us confidence. Jennifer was a mentor, mother, guide, coach and a friend.

Sadly, COVID prevented her from attending the birth but was there all 12 hours via video conference. Honestly? I wasn't sure a virtual doula would feel right.  I was skeptical and worried that if she couldn't be in person I wouldn't get the full benefit of what I had looked forward to for so many months. I was so wrong!  Her support rang through the room like a guardian angel.

Suddenly my contractions stopped.  The nurses and midwife waited it out for 2 hours and then wanted to give me pitocin to help them start again. This wasn't what I wanted but I was ready to meet my baby.   I asked Jennifer what she thought..  This was learned behavior from early meetings with her - I always had a choice and am in control of what happens. I learned to make sure I knew what my options were.  She said, "Could we check her and see how the baby is positioned?  Maybe something is in the way?"  They found my waters reformed and the baby was stuck.  By  breaking them, my contractions started again and my baby was here about an hour later.  Because of Jennifer - I had my dream birth and was empowered.

Jennifer also offered me postpartum support - something every mom should seek out.  I am forever grateful for her and if we are blessed with more babies, I hope she will be our doula again.


-Jess Hodge

October 30, 2020

a photo from Jennifer Symes

Jennifer Symes

Harbor Doula Care

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Updated 8/26/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice