Testimonial for Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

I interviewed a few doulas for my upcoming birth.  All were knowledgeable, but I went with Jill because I felt like I could totally be myself with her.  
Jill encouraged me and was my advocate during labor.  She had no judgment when I got an epidural and continued to support my husband and I through the labor.  There was even a moment where I was uncomfortable with an intervention, though I knew it was best.  When I said under my breath that I still wasn't comfortable, she was sure to stop everything to be sure I was heard and reassured before proceeding.  She didn't want anything to happen without me being 100% on board. 
Eventually it was time for baby to be born.  Jill had been taking photos the whole labor and had some really beautiful shots of my husband helping me drink water and care for me. But as the baby started crowning, Jill started filming.  I'm so thankful to have a 1 minute video (taken standing near my head) of the birth of my daughter.  My husband and I didn't find out the gender beforehand so having him on video announce, "It's a girl, babe. It's a girl," is a moment that I can relive over and over again.
What really makes Jill a ride or die doula is that about an hour after the birth, I suddenly became nauseous and needed to vomit. With an epidural, you can't walk anywhere. With no trash can was in sight, Jill, without hesitating, grabbed a towel and let me throw up basically in her hands.  I know it went right through that towel.  I felt so bad, but was so grateful I didn't just puke on my hospital bed.
Jill has continued to help me and after the birth and we even had her help us overnight with newborn care.  We trust her with our questions, our birth, and our daughter.  She’s the best. 

-Jessica Granados

October 29, 2020

a photo from Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin-Doula CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 7/31/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/31/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice