Testimonial for Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

Working with Lydia Robinson and Labored With Love made my birthing  experience wonderful. I didn't meet Lydia until towards the end of my pregnancy, and I was unfamiliar with the roles of a birth doula. Due to us being in sepearate cities, all of our interactions were virtual. 
When Lydia first offered her services to me I had no idea what I was getting into; but I'm glad I accepted. Our first Zoom conference Lydia was very welcoming and friendly. She explained in detail who she was and her job as a birth doula. She provided me with information and courses on Evidence Based Birth, and made sure I knew and fully understood my rights going into labor. She was very attentive and understanding of my high-risk pregnancy, and she offered much support and encouragement. With Lydia as my doula I was taught how to speak up for myself when it comes to my medical care and the care for my child. She assisted me in creating a birth plan to take control of my labor, and to make sure I could voice my consent and denial of medical practices to the labor and delivery staff. When at the last minute I was informed I would be getting induced, Lydia adjusted with me and educated me on the process of induction. 
Because of our distance she was not able to attend my birth, but she was there every step of the way. She texted me frequently to check in and made sure I was comfortable and the hospital staff was following my birth plan. Once I gave birth to provide breast feeding and post partum support; checking on me and baby frequently to make sure we were adjusting to our new life. Currently I still remain in contact with Lydia, and I am eternally grateful for her services. Before I went into labor I was terrified and didn't know anything about birthing a baby. With Lydia's help I was able to relax and enjoy my birthing experience; because of her expertise and knowledge I had a smooth , almost pain-free labor. 

-Brittany-Anne Gray

October 28, 2020

a photo from Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/26/2024

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice