Testimonial for Britney Farmer

I am going to fall short of words to describe what an amazing experience it was to labor with Britney as my doula. I confirmed Britney as my doula (the only doula I interviewed!), 7 days before my due date. I was skeptical whether it was good idea to have a doula so close to my due date but as my mom or sister were not going to be allowed in the hospital due to COVID restrictions, I decided to have Britney during my big day. 

I went into labor at 2 am and when we called Britney to inform the same, she sure did respond so late at night! Britney joined us at the hospital at 7 am per our plan and she was with us every moment from then. Britney is so knowledgeable and understanding that based on my pain level, she helped me try different techniques to cope with it. She also provided a TENS unit which helped me a lot to deal with the pain. When my pain got very intense, I hugged and cried in her arms -she calmed me down and soothed me like my mom/sister would have. She encouraged me to cry out loud and express my feelings to deal with the pain/anxiety. When I asked for an epidural, she promptly reminded the nurse and doctor that according to my birth plan, I wouldn't prefer a resident administering it - which was right on time since I was in no state to voice my wishes due to the pain. After I got my epidural, she made sure I was comfortable and got some time to relax before we began to push. I had a long labor of with 4.5 hours of pushing - Britney was on her feet all those hours holding, encouraging, supporting, calming and reassuring me! We feel so blessed that we had Britney to support us. When we came back home with our baby, my mom, husband and I were discussing that we made the right choice to have a doula and how grateful we are that Britney was ours! I highly recommend Britney to anyone who is looking for a doula or is in two minds about having a doula (like I was) - she is very knowledgeable and has a calming effect through the process.

-Tanvi Khedekar

October 15, 2020

a photo from Britney Farmer

Britney Farmer

Britney Farmer Doula

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice