Testimonial for Natalie Lynch

As a first time mom, I did not know what to expect from labor, but I did know that I am a person who does best when I have a support system around me, and so a doula was important in my birth journey. Little could I have known what an essential, experience-altering presence having Natalie would be. From our initial visits where she walked my husband through comfort measures right through the 25th hour of my labor, she helped us to make informed decisions at every step of the process. 

But so much more than a source of information and advocacy, Natalie was truly a partner (or I personally feel, a saint) on my birthing team. Wanting to have an unmedicated birth, her massages, counter pressure, vocal support, aromatherapy and play lists, helped to bring a sense of home and comfort to the process and enabled me to work through each contraction feeling empowered. As I labored at 8cm for 7 hours, and at 8-9.5cm on pitocin for another 3, I can confidently say that I do not think I could have weathered the long hours and intensity as long as I did without her emotional and physical support. I think it speaks for itself that the nurses in Labor and Delivery at the hospital all asked for her card, and that they commented that I was the calmest and seemingly most comfortable woman in transition that they had ever seen. She guided me through different positions and supported me doing squats and natural methods (pumping, etc.) to help move baby down. She held my hand and fanned my face through every last contraction, and she was one of just two people I was able to have with me when we brought my baby girl earth side. 

I am so thankful I found Natalie, so grateful she was able to be at my side, and my husband and I agree would 1,000% ask her to be with me for any future births as well. Do not hesitate to invite her into this special and transformative journey with you.

-Rachel Khosraviani

October 14, 2020

a photo from Natalie Lynch

Natalie Lynch

Birth with Intention

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 11/19/2023

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 11/19/2023

Years in practice