Testimonial for Vanessa Hanible

Vanessa provided amazing support both for my daughter's birth and with breastfeeding. I was able to have the unmedicated birth I planned and a very good birth experience. I am a single mother by choice, and my birth team was my mom and Vanessa. Vanessa did an amazing job of supporting me, liasing with the midwife and nurses, and -- very importantly -- helping communication between me and my mom and making sure my mom could be an engaged part of the team. I'm sure I could have done it without Vanessa (I mean, the baby was coming out one way or another!), but I'm glad I didn't have to! She was key to a good and fairly easy birth!

Vanessa has also been key to my successful breastfeeding journey. My daughter just turned one, and I love the time I spend BF her. I am only able to say that because of Vanessa's help. Despite taking a BF class before birth, I really struggled. The baby had a very strong latch that really damaged my nipples in the first few days. My body was actually afraid of her when she cried to nurse because it was so painful! A few days after we got home, Vanessa sat with us in my living room and worked with me until the baby's positioning was right and the latch was good. She helped me put into practice what I had learned as theory. Vanessa also offered so many tips and tricks. She got me on the right track, and BF got better. Vanessa has also been great with advice when I've reached out about pumping problems. I honestly don't know if I could have successfully BF my daughter this long or even survived those early days without Vanessa.

I'm so grateful for Vanessa's help and highly recommend her!


October 07, 2020

a photo from Vanessa Hanible

Vanessa Hanible

Wholesome Beginnings, LLC

Birth Fee: $1100 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 4/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1100 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 4/6/2024

Years in practice