Testimonial for Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

I was referred to Chloe by a patient from my office and knew from the kind words she would be a great addition to my birth team. My husband was skeptical of the idea of a doula at first but was soon convinced. I can't tell you how grateful we are to have had Chloe with us on our Birth journey with our baby boy because it was far from the plan I had originally made. It was a very long 39 hour labor that ended in a c-section but with Chloe by my side every step of the way I felt like I was educated, supported, and encouraged to keep going. She spent the first night in labor with us at home, then came with us to the birth center where she had insight on how to help my body & my baby move the birthing process along. We were then transferred to the hospital due to complications & Chloe was right there by our side. She made me feel safe in a new environment & she was there to help me through the emotions of my plan not going as expected. We can't thank her enough for being the peace, love, & encouragement we needed to bring our baby into the world. If she wasn't there to guide & support us I feel as though my birth experience would have been a very traumatic one but because we had her with us I am at peace with the whole process, I know that I made the best decisions for myself & my baby even in the most intense moments. My husband is so glad we had Chloe there to help support us because as much as he felt he was ready to be my primary support person during the birth no one could have predicted all of the turns of events that happened during our labor & without her experience we would have been lost. After baby was born she came to visit & brought this beautiful birth story all typed out with excatly what happened down to the minute which is going to be a treasure we keep forever. We would HIGHLY recommend Chloe as a part of your birthing team no matter what your birth plan is because her presence is unforgettable. 

-Brandie & Daniel

October 02, 2020

a photo from Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

Snohomish County Doula

Birth Fee: $1200

Postpartum Rate: $30


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1200

Postpartum Rate: $30


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice