Testimonial for Heidy Ramirez

We are honored to provide the highest recommendation for Heidy.  Heidy & her colleague, Angie Benavides, were there for us every moment, by text, phone & video visits, providing wraparound support via text 24/7 with professional expertise in evidence-based prenatal, birthing, labor, partner, and postpartum support.  She understood we felt more comfortable communicating bilingually in Spanish & English throughout the process, and provided us with gentle, loving care every step of the way.
We trusted Heidy with our lives during a global pandemic, a trust she took very seriously, maintaining strict health & safety protocols; just like any family, we wanted to come out alive, healthy, happy & safe.  Thanks to Heidy, who put her heart and soul into our birthing support, we did.  
While I hoped for natural labor, I made a tough decision for medically necessary induction at 39 weeks.  Heidy supported us in seeking 3 medical opinions before doing so, maintained close contact from the beginning, and joined us when I moved naturally into active labor at the hospital.  She helped me ride the wave of each contraction naturally with massages & essential oils, gently coaching me when they added pitocin.  In every moment, Heidy affirmed my strength.
When I had to make another tough decision for an epidural to prevent my body from pushing too early before I was fully dilated, I placed my trust and hand in Heidy's.  Within 20 minutes of a combined spinal epidural, I was fully dilated, and in less than 10-15 pushes, our baby was born!  
Heidy ensured our preferences were honored. We had 81 minutes skin-to-skin, delayed cord clamping, and our baby breastfed & latched right away for 20 minutes at birth.  We could not imagine having been better prepared without Heidy's support, and she will always be a part of our family.

-Joanna & Carlos Cuevas Ingram

September 05, 2020

a photo from Heidy Ramirez

Heidy Ramirez

Birth & Postpartum Doula, Lactation Counselor

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice