Testimonial for Cathleen Holt

My journey to motherhood was a long one, several years and several losses before the pregnancy with my daughter.  I knew throughout the journey I wanted a doula and the potential to labor naturally, although I wanted to birth in a hospital given my history and age ("Advanced Maternal Age").  Cathleen was knowledgeable and calm throughout my pregnancy.  Her input on relaxations and processing fears, of which I had many, were invaluable.  I wound up with group B strep and my labor started with my water breaking, so I had to go to the hospital sooner than I had intended.  Cathleen and Allison came to the hospital not long after we went - it was great to have Cathleen working as a team so I knew we would have support!  My labor wound up being 31 hours.  Through it, Cathleen remained calm and encouraging.  She helped me to labor naturally for 21 long hours, and supported me in my choice for an epidural at that point.  She helped through the pushing and immense joy of my daughter's birth.  She supported my desires for the birth through the whole pregnancy and labor, and interacted wonderfully with the medical staff, which was so important to me and my husband.  The whole time we were all a team with the goal of a healthy pregnancy and birth.  I am so grateful that I was able to labor naturally but also to make informed deicsions about medical interventions and ultimately feel fortunate I did not have to have a C-section.  Cathleen and Allison both also checked-in postpartum, which was so helpful as I struggled tremendously with breastfeeding but wanted (and was able!) to make it it work.  I couldn't recommend Cathleen highly enough!


August 18, 2020

a photo from Cathleen Holt

Cathleen Holt

Charleston Childbirth

Birth Fee: $800 to $2275

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 7/28/2024

Birth Fee: $800 to $2275

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/28/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice