Testimonial for Sanyika Williams

As a second time mom with previous midwifery/birth center and dual experience, I thought my husband and I were prepared to venture into the second labor without a doula. However, as my due date approached, I became concerned about laboring in a new city without family. I realized there may be times my husband needed to take care of our 3 year old or rest, and I would be stuck laboring alone until my mother arrived. So my hunt for a doula began. This time, I knew I wanted a Black doula. Sanyika swept into my heart with her sweet, empathetic personality and affordable rates. She was patient and available,  and she dealt with my chronic complaining via text flawlessly. She always responded quickly no matter the time, she was readily available. Sanyika was reassuring, resourceful, and encouraging. She had solutions and suggestions for almost every ailment. In the delivery room, she maintained an assertive presence but was complicit with my demands when needed. She wasn’t afraid to push back against me once the intense pain impaired my decision making. She knew what was best, and she made sure I had food and drink to sustain my energy even when I didn’t want to. Even once I got the epidural at 6 cm dilated, Sanyika was still incredibly helpful: offering positioning suggestions, assisting the nurse and midwife as needed, rendering heated massages to help with the leg stiffness. Sanyika was an instrumental part of the team championing me during a looong pushing session. After the birth, she stayed for a few hours: assisting with breast feeding and helping my family move my belongings out of the labor room and into the mother/baby room. Bottom line, Sanyika the Doula is awesome. She has resources for everything and continues to keep in touch even 5 months postpartum. I highly recommend her. You won’t regret it. She’s definitely part of the family and will easily meld into yours.


July 22, 2020

a photo from Sanyika Williams

Sanyika Williams

Sanyika the Doula, LLC

Birth Fee: $1250 to $2550

Postpartum Rate: $45


Updated 8/30/2024

Birth Fee: $1250 to $2550

Postpartum Rate: $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/30/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice