Testimonial for Stephanie Wagner

We hired Stephanie as our doula for the birth of our first child.  We appreciated her preparation for the initial interview, her inclusion of both parents as important in the birthing process, and her availability throughout the entire pregnancy and months after our child was born. Stephanie's knowledge and experience allowed us to identify what we desired out of our birth experience while introducing us to a variety of scenarios that could occur so we could process and pre-decide what we would like to happen in those scenarios. Stephanie has an impressive toolkit of items to aid in the birthing process. She kept in touch to find out how our appointments were going and after what turned out to be our last appointment before giving birth, her intuition had us ready to go into labor even while the doctors were predicting another few days. We had a precipitous labor and Stephanie's flexibility was a blessing since she ended up having to meet us at the hospital closest to our house instead of the hospital where we'd planned to deliver. Although our child was born before she arrived (it was less than 2 hours from when we woke up with the first painful contraction to when we held our child in our arms), she still came to the hospital and stayed to offer amazing post-partum care. Even now,  she checks on our family and celebrates our child's milestones. She is always willing to answer our questions no matter the frequency, redundancy, or way we ask them. We truly appreciate her availability and willingness to still offer support to our family. We feel confident that we can still reach out to her when we need advice (can you say infant sleep regression?!). So, all of this is to say that we highly recommend Stephanie as a doula. Her presence made a difference in how prepared, comfortable, and confident we approached and concluded our birthing experience. Bonus: she always told us how grateful she is for us opening up our lives to her! 

-C. Lewis

June 25, 2020

a photo from Stephanie  Wagner

Stephanie Wagner

Blue Lotus Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1400

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1400

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice