Testimonial for Carling Sothoron

My baby girl was born on March 17th. We decided to hire Carling after inquiring with a few different doulas before making our decision. I chose Carling because she seemed genuine and had the calming personality I was looking for to help me through my labor. Carling was very thorough in our prenatal visits and always ensured we were informed and comfortable with our upcoming adventure. 

While we had a due date of March 9th, we ended up being induced March 15th. Carling helped me (and my husband) through 36 hours of labor. I experienced extreme nausea and vomiting with the fluids I was on and she even helped me through all the vomiting and trying to find comfortable positions through the contractions. She was there to keep me positive, even after 32 hours of contractions and finding out we hadn't made it past 4 cm.

When we were told we would need to do a c-section due to lack of progression, she talked my husband and me through the steps of what was to come. We waited a few hours before going into surgery and she offered to join us in the OR, but I chose to just have my husband present. It turns out my girl was stuck in the birth canal, apparently my hips were not wide enough to get her through. Carling waited for us outside the room and was so supportive in the moments after the surgery was done. She helped me with the first latch and ensured we had everything we needed for our recovery. 

I highly recommend Carling to anyone who is expecting, whether it's your first time or you've done this before. She is very informative and goes above and beyond to ensure her clients are comfortable and informed. 

-Ashley Paris

May 11, 2020

a photo from Carling Sothoron

Carling Sothoron

Chesapeake Birth

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Updated 5/2/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 5/2/2024

Years in practice