Testimonial for Dawn Oliver CDI(TDA)

Every mother hopes for a positive birthing experience, but sadly, few women I know have had one. As a first time (and single) mother, I was looking for someone who would keep me calm throughout the process and help me advocate for myself in the hospital. Dawn truly exceeded all of my expectations as a doula.  She exuded calm and empathy in every interaction I had with her, helped me advocate for myself, but also made sure not to intervene in a way that would upset or alienate the nurses or doctors. Although my birthing experience was not the entirely natural one I had hoped for (I had high blood pressure and had to be induced a few days before my due date), Dawn gave me the guidance I needed to make educated choices during labor. As a result, I was able to achieve my four main goals: making informed decisions about how I was induced, delaying having an epidural so that I could remain mobile during the active stage of labor, having a vaginal delivery, and breastfeeding immediately after giving birth. I am certain that I would have ended up having a C-section had it not been for Dawn's help with my delivery. As others have mentioned, she has a number of effective pain management techniques that helped me through the worst stages of labor, and her suggestion for placing me in an upright seated position (post-epidural) for the final stage helped my son drop into the right position, so that it only took a few rounds of concentrated pushing to get him out. Several of the delivery nurses at MUSC also commented that it was the most positive birthing experience they had ever had with a doula participating. I would recommend Dawn to any expectant mother I know (whether it is their first birth or not), and would definitely use her again if I am lucky enough to have another child of my own. 


May 10, 2020

a photo from Dawn Oliver CDI(TDA)

Dawn Oliver CDI(TDA)

Compassionate Care Doula Services, Llc

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2100

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2100

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice