Testimonial for Elizabeth Clark

Elizabeth is an excellent doula. Though excellent does not even fully honor how brilliant she is.  For context, Elizabeth helped me achieve a VBAC, which is a scary thing to attempt.  Throughout the entire process she met me where I was and never made me feel judged.  I felt respected for wanting to deliver in a hospital.  I felt heard when I shared my previous birth story.  I felt like I could ask her ANY question along the way.  Whether it was,  "Should my boobs feel like this?" or "What does pushing feel like?", Elizabeth was consistently and genuinely there for me.    

During labor, having Elizabeth there was a calming and soothing gift.  She was there as soon as I needed her and jumped right into doing the work.  She coached me through challenging moments (the decision to get an epidural or not, the onset of pushing which came rapidly, translating what the nurses and doctors were doing, etc.).   I felt like I could lean on her throughout it all.  And by lean, I mean LEAN.  I was only comfortable standing for much of active labor and she stood with me the entire time. 

Labor is a blur for all of us that go through it, but what I clearly remember is the gratitude I felt for Elizabeth when it was all done.  As I held my son to my chest, I knew I wouldn't have had that birth without her by my side (both during labor and all she did leading up to it).  I have made a career out of observing professionals do what they do, and watching Elizabeth as a doula is like seeing an awe inspiring expert in practice.  She works seamlessly with your partner and the nurses, knowing where things are and what is needed when.  She has a grace and confidence that permeates the space.  She is, in my book, the best doula one could ever ask for.


May 09, 2020

a photo from Elizabeth Clark

Elizabeth Clark

Looma Birth

Birth Fee: $1500 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $95


Updated 2/12/2025

Birth Fee: $1500 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $95


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/12/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice