Testimonial for Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

I had a lot of anxiety during my pregnancy! I suffered four miscarriages before finally concieving my son and that experience altered my birth plan from what I had always wanted to have - a homebirth, to a hospital birth. In the end I just wanted my baby here saftely. I struggled with this decision for my entire pregnancy, just never feeling totally at peace with the decision to birth in a hospital. I worried about all the things one does when planning a hospital birth - unwanted interventions, impersonal staff, stalled labor, etc. I knew that I wanted an experienced doula to be there for me, expecially as I was birthing in a hospital environment with care providers I didn't really know or fully trust. I wanted a doula to bring a sense of calm and normalcy to my birth, someone who had enough experience that they could help me navigate any potential interventions that might be suggested. We decided to hire Leah because she checked all those boxes. When it was time to give birth to my son, I honestly think the outcome of my birth may have been different had she not been there. My labor progressed pretty quickely and without complication. The hospital staff was busy entering information into the computer and offered no comfort or help dealing with labor naturally. Leah was there to help - getting me water, rubbing my back, holding a cloth to my forehead, offering words of encouragement. I really needed that! After he was born she stayed in the room with us for  few hours and that was really just maybe the best part of having her there. It just felt right and natural for someone else to be there with us. For weeks after my son's birth Leah would check in and helped me establish breastfeeding with advice and encouragement. Leah brought so much care and love to my birth, I would have her there a million times over. 


March 23, 2020

a photo from Leah Kohlstrom, CBD, CCBE. CLC

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 8/19/2024

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/19/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice