Testimonial for Jackie Prescott

Deciding to work with Jackie was the best decision we made in preparing for the birth of our first child.  We were on the fence about whether to use a doula and decided to late in my pregnancy due to some concerns I had with my medical practice. Luckily, Jackie was available for a late addition and met with us immediately to walk through all of our concerns and to lay out initial questions we needed to decide for our birth preferences.  She taught my husband several tricks to comfort me during contractions, and walked us through exactly what would happen during labor/delivery.  Jackie empowered me to make the decisions I wanted in an environment, time, and industry that often makes it seem women have no choice.  Leading up to delivery, Jackie was always available and immediately became a trusted sounding board after weekly doctor visits. She also helped me figure out how best to arrange a possible induction based on the doctors' on-call schedule, which would have been terribly overwhelming to do alone.  I went into labor a week before induction was necessary and the labor/delivery is where Jackie's support was most essential.  My goal was to labor at home for as long as possible before going to the hospital.  This wouldn't have been possible without Jackie.  She was an incredible resource for my husband and reassured us every step of the way.  We would have gone to the hospital several hours earlier than needed without her.  My husband was able to ease my pain with what Jackie had taught him until she arrived and was on the phone with him throughout the day.  She was by our sides at the hospital too, which removed stress from the arrival, check-in, and labor so that we could focus on my comfort.  Her presence and experience was incredibly calming, steady, and reassuring and made the whole experience go as smoothly as it can.  I would highly recommend working with Jackie. 


March 13, 2020

a photo from Jackie Prescott

Jackie Prescott

District Doulas

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice