Testimonial for Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

Finding someone I could feel open and comfortable with during something so vulnerable as birth felt like a monumental task, but Renée has such a special energy, grounded and empowering and accepting. I’m a profoundly awkward human being, but Renée somehow both kept up a natural flow and held space for me. Her compassion and courage creates these safe, non-judgmental bubbles where I felt I could ask any question or share any fear. As for the birth itself, I am so grateful for Renée’s presence and strength. Renée’s advice helped me work with my body rather than against, her deep respect for my autonomy helped me feel safe enough to welcome my labour and set aside my inhibitions (which sped things up considerably!) and the guidance of her voice when my water broke and the sensations became really powerful helped me transform suffering into power. Renée didn’t just tolerate my big queer family – she embraced and engaged them all. She helped each of us find and celebrate our strengths, and was so sensitive to our needs and emotions. Sometimes being queer means fitting artificially into institutions and experiences designed for conventional families. Renée helped us fully experience our birth as a family without ever making us feel like imposters. Best of all was how she helped us include our 5yo. I thought the birth would be frightening for her, so we’d organized some cake-baking to distract, but she stalwartly refused to leave my side. Renée welcomed her into that calm, safe bubble and treated her like a peer, answering all her questions, explaining what was happening, and even helping her to support me. The experience was so inspiring for her that to this day when she sees someone in pain she still gently places a hand on their back and calmly makes the low, grounding hum that Renée taught her. I am so proud that her first experience of birth was empowering and positive.


March 08, 2020

a photo from Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

FlexAbility Yoga and Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice