Testimonial for Dawn Oliver CDI(TDA)

We first 'met' Dawn for a quick call to discuss our pregnancy and from the minute we started talking I felt more empowered and at ease.  Dawn is knowledgeable, experienced and open-minded towards YOUR wishes for delivery.  I think this comes from her own experience as a mom, dedication to this field (EBB) and expertise from time spent with couples at any stage of their journey to parenthood.  As we approached delivery, Dawn suggested many techniques to ready my body/mind to induce labor.  When natural induction didn't occur, Dawn sent EBB materials and offered us guidance as we contemplated induction.  We ended up being induced on a Wednesday and had our baby boy (a surprise) that Friday afternoon.  Dawn helped us to manage the ever-changing landscape knowing we were on track no matter how the baby entered the world.  Dawn provided ideas on how to best position ourselves during initial labor and then towards the end helped us to make a pros/cons list if we ended up electing for a c-section.  Ultimately our delivery ended via cesearean, however I felt completely at ease with this path as we tried to labor naturally for days.  The baby's heart had begun to drop as labor progressed so together (Dawn, my husband and myself) decided a c-section was how we would meet our baby.  Dawn went into the OR with us and was amazing at keeping both my husband and myself focused.  As soon as the baby was born Dawn was by my side as everyone else was doting on our baby which was very comforting as I was in shock post-op.  Dawn captured the first few photos of life which is something we will treasure always.  Dawn stayed by our side through the surgery and until the first latch.  Dawn offered postpartum care which allowed us to process our birth story on our terms.  Dawn was a wonderful resource and confidant and we were honored to have her share in our exciting labor journey together.


March 05, 2020

a photo from Dawn Oliver CDI(TDA)

Dawn Oliver CDI(TDA)

Compassionate Care Doula Services, Llc

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2100

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2100

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice