Testimonial for Julie Pichon

Even though we were pretty sure we were going to go with a doula, we could only start looking for one 4 weeks before my due date because of an imminent out-of-state move. We were glad that Julie was available during that time despite a couple more soon-to-be moms she was working with. My whole labor and delivery experience was surreal and very eventful, to say the least. It began with Julie coming to our house to walk us through the labor process. She herself had just come from delivering twins and had already been on her feet for at least a day. During that visit, I started getting contractions but was not very concerned as I was already experiencing Braxton-Hicks and had a week to go before my due date. But as luck would have it, my contractions continued and we had to go to the hospital the next day.

Julie stayed on the phone with us since early morning that day and came to our house sometime before lunch. Given the imminent snow storm, we were concerned about not making it to the hospital but still waited till I was far enough so that the hospital wouldn't send us back. Julie was very supportive then and suggested several natural methods to expedite the labor. Even at the hospital, she provided constant support, from the very minor to the major things like providing massages, suggesting different positions, to even something as small as bringing ice chips for me. She was the reason my husband was able to get some sleep during my labor. So, despite being up from a previous delivery, she stayed up throughout my labor process to make sure I was taken care of. She probably only slept for an hour early in the morning, when I was finally able to rest.

Even though, in hindsight, I would choose to do some things differently, having Julie around was invaluable. In addition to all this, she managed to take notes and create a beautiful birth story for us which has helped us remember and recount that day despite it being a surreal experience.


February 25, 2020

a photo from Julie Pichon

Julie Pichon

Birth by Design

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Updated 12/12/2023

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/12/2023

Years in practice