Joli was the first member of my birth team I chose. I knew, for me, to have a successful VBAC/HBAC I needed a fierce group of professionals that weren’t scared for my body, but trusted it fully. I interviewed Joli when I was 6DPO (and I KNEW I was pregnant) she was kind and funny and we clicked immediately. I felt like I could be myself around her and that my dark humor or coping mechanisms weren’t going to scare her off. She helped me narrow down the field of midwives and gave me some suggestions on who might be the best fit for my family. Before I even had my baby, I felt like I had already received the value of Joli’s service. Any question or concern I had, Joli always already had an resource to recommend or could give me a dissertation about it herself. Joli brought me peace and calm throughout my whole pregnancy not just the birth.... but let’s get to the birth.
Joli was at my house for nearly 36 hours and never once did I see anything but patience and understanding in that amazing woman’s eyes. She was steadfast in her belief that I would have this baby how I wanted and where I wanted. She stood by me, held space for my pain, moved her hips with mine, squeezing when needed, other times just moving in time with me. This woman. I don’t know if she slept or ate, but I’m pretty sure she worked almost as hard as me those few days because I don’t have a memory without her or a picture that she’s not in.
10/10 Joli every time. I don’t think I’m having any more babies; but I might call Joli over next time I’m constipated, just for her amazing moral support. We also took the rebel birth education class with Joli as well and that was super dope, but it deserves its own review.
February 23, 2020
The Painted Doula
Birth Fee: $1000 to $2800