Testimonial for Heidi Duncan, CBD(CBI)

My birthing experience with Heidi was nothing short of magical. This was my second baby, but it had been 10 years. My first experience was rather rough so this time I searched for a doula, researched birthing centers etc... through a lot of a changes that happened throughout my pregnancy I was without a doula maybe 5 or 6 weeks before delivery. I heard about heidi through a friend and when she met with me, I was super lucky that she had an open space to take me on as a client so late in the game. We had an instant connection. She listened to my past woes of my previous delivery, gave me helpful links and videos to watch with my beloved, and really helped ease my anxiety of this upcoming delivery. When the time finally came, she was my best support. The helped ease my contractions with different positions, counter pressure, and incredible words of encouragement. Honestly I feel like I needed that the most. More than anything I wanted a natural birth. When I felt like I couldn't go on any further she uplifted me so much and coached me through. With heidi I got to labor at home with my family and pup right by my side, and I had an amazing hospital delivery within 2 hours of getting there. I felt empowered, fully supported, and in an odd way... healed from my last birthing experience. I can say that having her helped me have such a healthy delivery and a phenomenal recovery. Within minutes to an hour i was up, walking around, enjoying my baby. Weeks later she came by to see us and snuggle our newest babe. I highly recommend heidi to any expecting mother and if I ever decide to do this again... shell br the first person I call. I'm truly grateful to have had her as my birthing doula. 

-Magdalena Moore

February 01, 2020

a photo from Heidi Duncan, CBD(CBI)

Heidi Duncan, CBD(CBI)

Expecting New Life Birth Services

Birth Fee: $1750 to $2500


Updated 2/27/2025

Birth Fee: $1750 to $2500


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/27/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice