Testimonial for Meagan Thompson

Meagan came to us highly recommended by our childbirth educator, and she was an invaluable part of our birth team. We appreciated the wisdom she shared at our prenatal visit, as she had attended many labors at our hospital.  She knew all of the nurses, the ins and outs of what to expect, and what choices we would have at different points throughout the labor.  This helped us feel well prepared and ready to advocate for our ideal birth experience.

During my labor, Meagan intuitively knew just what to do at each moment to help me feel more comfortable.  She knew where to find the birth balls in the labor and delivery unit, she asked the nurses to bring me a fan when she noticed I was sweating, and she knew exactly how to apply counterpressure to help with difficult contractions leading up to (and during) transition.  She brought strands of white Christmas lights that she placed around the room to help it feel cozy (and I found these to be a great thing to focus on during the pushing phase of labor).  She took great pictures, and she even wore a shirt that said "it's a beautiful day for a birth."

Things did not go as planned during the later stages of my labor, but Meagan was a calming and steady presence who helped explain the different options and support the decisions that we made as my labor became increasingly more complex.  She used empowering language that helped me view the experience as positive rather than traumatizing, not only during the labor but afterwards as I recovered from an emergency c-section.  During the c-section, she waited with my mom until I was out of the post-op recovery unit and into my hospital room, which gave me great peace of mind (knowing that my mom had company and reassurance, and seeing Meagan after my c-section was over).  Meagan helped me feel strong and brave throughout my labor, and her postnatal visit to our home was a wonderful way to celebrate baby's arrival.


January 30, 2020

a photo from Meagan Thompson

Meagan Thompson

About Birth, LLC

Birth Fee: $2000


Updated 2/7/2025

Birth Fee: $2000


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/7/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice