Testimonial for Wildwood Birth Collective

Vera and Elizabeth were such a light throughout our journey. When we first met Vera and Elizabeth, they brought such a warm and welcoming presence, immediately knew they were the ones to be there by our side in such an intimate moment.


Although this was my second pregnancy, our first baby was breech, which resulted in a c-section. Being a candidate for VBAC, our eyes became open to how much we didn’t know. There are so many options throughout pregnancy and laboring, that no one prepares you for, except they did. We felt so prepared with the pre-labor coaching they gave us, no books, classes or videos you could read/watch to provide you with their level of knowledge and guidance. Most importantly the offered the facts, statistics, and not their opinions, unless asked. They were there to help us make informed decisions.


They would check in weekly after doctor visits and see if there were changes in the plan or physical changes. I had lots of concerns for VBACs, especially around inductions, epidural, and various pain options. I wanted the magical birth you hear about after my c-section, and my husband and I truly felt they were the guides to granting us that. They coached us and checked in way more than we needed, but it felt wonderful.


Two added bonuses; they work as a team, so you truly feel you have two doulas working for you, your body and your baby. You aren’t relying solely on one person to be there. Final icing on the cake- Elizabeth took amazing photography during our birth, and our newborn photography was beautiful. She captured our family in a pure light, and we are so grateful to hang these in our home.


We cannot thank them enough.

-Alex Sorosky

January 27, 2020

a photo from Wildwood Birth Collective

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2600

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Updated 1/30/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2600

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/30/2024

Certified doulas
Certified doulas