Testimonial for Jackie Symons, CD(DONA)

Jackie Symons is a wonderful Doula. My husband and I were unsure if we wanted to have a Doula, and we changed our mind one month before our baby was due. Jackie was very sweet and answered all my questions at our initial meet. She also came to my house twice before the baby was born, to go over birthing positions, and my birth plan. She was in full contact with me the day that my water broke. And was at my house within an hour of my husband calling her to tell her that we were ready for her to come. When she arrived she realize that I was in active labor and we immediately went to the birthing center. I was at the birthing center for a whole two hours before I gave birth to my little one. During that time Jackie made sure that I was staying hydrated that I had a hand hold and gave me words of encouragement. She was very professional and did not get in the way of the midwives. she stayed a few hours after the birth. Not only have I laughed with Jackie, but also cried. When my baby latched for the first time, I cried; as did Jackie. She is a mom who wants to support moms. The real help for me was postpartum. My son was tongue tied, lip tied, had jaundice, and I had cracked bleeding nipples, mastitis, fever, lack of sleep, and hormone imbalances for sure. I texted Jackie in the night because our little one wasn’t pooping enough or eating enough etc. She responded in the night and helped me through with encouraging me. I am a first time mom and didn’t know If I was doing a good job.  She sent me resources to things I needed and came to visit me postpartum. I would highly recommend, because of her calm and sweet disposition. 

-Alexandra Acord

January 21, 2020

a photo from Jackie Symons, CD(DONA)

Jackie Symons, CD(DONA)

Balance in Birth

Birth Fee: $1800


Updated 2/5/2025

Birth Fee: $1800


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/5/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice